lock and key

To UNLOCK Free time:

*30 mins of homework  (or read)




-Vit C

*Word of the day Definition (list of words to the right)

*If it is a weekday, make sure to do your DAILY.

**Got all that done? Please use the UNLOCK Free time form**



Discovery Education

Virtual Field Trips

and More


FINISH your songs by December 31st!!

Song Challenge!!! Let’s Rock this Joint!!

1 week no videos if it isn’t done by – DEC 31 –





                                                                                                                 UPCOMING BIRTHDAYS

Dec 11: Grandma

Dec 20: Pop Pop

Dec 21: Uncle Josh

Dec 28: Auntie Corrie

Dec 30: Charlotte

Dec 31: Auntie Rachel

Word list to UNLOCK Free Time     -weekends excluded-

12/1  adulation or amnesty

12/2    anachronistic or abate

12/3     abdicate or antecedent

12/4    abstinence or alacrity

12/5     anecdote or agnostic

12/6     camaraderie or coup

12/7    circuitous or colloquial

12/8    conformist or convivial

12/9     deleterious or dearth

12/10    emulate or epigram

12/11     enervating or erudite

12/12    ephemeral or extricate

12/13    evanescent or extol

12/14     extenuating or exult

12/15     frugal or furtive

12/16     florid or frenetic

12/17    haughty or hermetic

12/18   hedonist or histrionic

12/19    impetuous or idyllic

12/20    ignominy or  indigent

12/21     incessant or indolent

12/28  inevitable or inane

12/29    nonchalant or nepotism

12/30     opulent or officious

12/31     orator or obsequious


01/01    ostentatious or opaque

01/02    perfidious or penchant

01/03     precocious or perfidy

01/04     pretentious or perturb

01/05     prosaic or  peripatetic

01/06    provocative or penitent

01/07    querulous or quixotic

01/08     rapacious or rancor

01/09     reclusive or rebut

01/10     resilient or recondite

01/11     reverence or relegate

01/12    sagacity or sacrilege

01/13     spurious or sacrosanct

01/14     submissive or sardonic

01/15     substantiate or salient

01/16    superfluous or servile

01/17    tenacious or temerity

01/18     tactful or torpor

01/19     surreptitious or stymie

01/20      sycophant or surrogate

01/21      vitiate or zealot

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